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lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

John Owen-Sacramental Discourses-

John Owen-Sacramental Discourses-
Author: John Owen
Title: Sacramental Discourses
Publisher / Editor: Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 494 KB
Pages: 94.


John Owen believed that many Christians during his time failed to benefit from the sacrament of communion because they misunderstood the nature of the special union with Christ. Often, Christians have a tendency to become preoccupied with novelties while practicing the sacrament. It was Owen's aim to help reorient Christians towards the Bible as the standard of truth. Through communion, we as Christians are called to first represent Christ to ourselves and then to profess his greatness to others. Owen offers advice for Christians on how to prepare for communion highlighting the importance of confession and self-examination. He also considers the practical concerns of both the individual and the church institution with regards to the act of communion itself. The series of discourses is intended to be used by Christians of all denominations in meditation as they approach the Lord's Table.

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