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sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Jack T. Chick-The Next Step For Growing Christians-

Jack T. Chick-The Next Step For Growing Christians-
Author: Jack T. Chick
Title: The Next Step For Growing Christians
Publisher / Editor: Chick Publications
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 6.64 MB
Pages: 64.


8 basic steps toward Christian maturity.

Salvation is only the first step in a healthy Christian's life. He must then take the next step . . . begin growing spiritually. For the growing Christian, Jack Chick has made these basic concepts easy to understand.

1. Birth of the Bible - The fascinating history of where we got our Bible.
2. Don't Read That Book! - Satan will do anything to keep you out of your Bible. With this simple Bible reading plan, you will become familiar with your Bible in no time.
3. Prayer - How to do it, what stops us from doing it, and why people sometimes don't get the answers they are looking for.
4. Love - It starts at home, showing love to our family members. This simple example is thought provoking.
5. The Enemy - Satan - where he came from, how he attacks Christians, and how to fight back. He's angry because he knows that, in the end, he loses.
6. Pitfalls - Many Christians have been set aside because their testimonies were ruined by one careless act. A warning.
7. Called Out - Now that I'm a Christian, what am I supposed to DO? We are epistles known and read of all men.
8. Warn Them - Jesus gave all Christians their marching orders, which is to witness. Here is how to do it.
Conclusion: We have a reward waiting if we are faithful.

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