Authors: Gregory A. Boyd & Paul Rhodes Eddy
Title: Lord Or Legend?: Wrestling With The Jesus Dilemma
Publisher / Editor: Baker Books
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 1.37 MB
Pages: 183.
The Christian apologetic of ???Lord, Liar, or Lunatic??? made famous by C. S. Lewis has gained recent skepticism. Many twenty-first-century critics of Christianity believe the biblical portrait of Jesus Christ is based on myth. Lord or Legend? puts skeptics??? claims to the test against multiple scholarly disciplines???including history, ethnography, anthropology, and folklore???to uncover fascinating truths about the historical Jesus. Authors Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy address pressing questions like: ??? Was first-century Judaism an environment for pagan mythological beliefs? ??? How are the Gospels accurate if they originated through oral tradition? ??? Do similarities between Jesus and other myths discredit Christianity? ??? Are the Scriptures historically accurate? Biased? Translated accurately? ??? Do archeological findings support or refute biblical accounts? Lord or Legend? is written in an accessible form for all lay readers whether believers in or skeptics of Christianity.

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