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jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

John Stott-The Message Of Ephesians-

John Stott-The Message Of Ephesians-
Author: John Stott
Title: The Message Of Ephesians: God’s New Society
Publisher / Editor: Inter-Varsity Press
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 1.13 MB
Pages: 178.


In The Message to the Ephesians, John R.W. Stott expounds on Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ by uniting his church and breaking down all that separates us from God, one ethnic group from another, husband from wife, parent from child, master from slave. A book for all who want to build the church into the new society God has planned it to be. The biblical text is printed in full. John Stott was rector of All Souls Church in London for twenty-five years and is an acclaimed and beloved author and commentator.

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