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viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

John Piper-TULIP-

John Piper-TULIP-
Author: John Piper
Title: TULIP: The Pursuit Of God’s Glory In Salvation (Study Guide)
Publisher / Editor: Crossway Books
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 2.11 MB
Pages: 211.


Let Piper lead your group step-by-step through the five points of Calvinism! Gain biblical perspectives on the implications and issues of total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints. This companion study guide to his DVD also examines Romans 9, the two wills of God, and the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism.

After an introductory lesson, each of the 15 subsequent lessons examines one thiry-minute session from the Tulip Dvd. The workload is conveniently divided into five daily (and manageable) assignments to be completed before the group convenes to view the DVD and discuss the material. An application section will challenge members to record a "take-away point" and to engage in a certain activity that is a fitting response to the content presented in the lesson.

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