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sábado, 18 de junio de 2016

Charles Chiniquy-Papal Idolatry-

Charles Chiniquy-Papal Idolatry-
Author: Charles Chiniquy
Title: Papal Idolatry: An Exposure Of The Dogma Of Transubstantiation And Mariolatry
Publisher / Editor: Fleming H. Revell Company
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 3.96 MB
Pages: 51.


Roman Catholic ethought it was lition of Papal God, its perusal snge your heart. Chijviqui. Papal Idolatry. First Consideration. Transubstantiation Is Idolatry. In order that both Protestants and Roman Catholics may understand that we are perfectly correct when we say that the Church of Rome makes a god ofa wafer, and is, in consequence, an idoiatrous church, I copy here the blasphemous decrees of the Council of Trent. Couscu. or Trusxr, Hour Sacrament oxr rm: Eucmuusr. Canon 1. If any shall deny that in the Sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, there it contained truly, really, and substantially the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, but shall say that he is onl in it in sign or gure, or power, let him be accursed Canon Ii. 1 any man shall say that in the Sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, there remains the substance of bread and wine, together with the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and shall deny that wonderful and remarkable conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body and the whole substance of the wine into the blood, while only the appearance of bread and wine remains, which conversion the Catholic Church most aptly calls Transubstantiation, let him be accursed. Cancn VI. If any man shall say, that in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist, Christ the only begotten Son of God. is not to be adored, and that outwardly with the worship of Latria, and therefore that he ou Nneither to be venerated by any especial festive celebration, nor carried so emniy about in processions, according to the universal and laudable rite and custom of the Church, or that he ought not publicly to be exhibited to the people that he may be worshipped, and that the worshippers of him are idolaters, let him be accursed. Canon VIII. If an one shall say. that Christ, as exhibited in the Eucharist, is only spiritual yeaten, and not also sacramentally and really, let him be accursed The Catechism of the Council of Trent speaks still more clearly and says:- The Pastors will explain that in the hol Eucharist (the consecrated water) the true body of Jesus Christ is conta ned with all that constitutes a bodv and belongs to it, such as the bones and nerves, and that is a whole Christ. Council qf Trent Cateclzist. Both Roman Catholics and Protestants acknowledge that Idolatry is one of the greatest sins that man can commit. But what is Idolatry? It is the giving to a created being the respect, adoration, and love which are due to God alone. To make a god with our own hands, or to worship as a god, any of the creatures which are on earth, in the air, in the sea, or even in heaven, is Idolatry.

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