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domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

William B. Hallman-The Completeness Of The Mystery-

William B. Hallman-The Completeness Of The Mystery-

Author: William B. Hallman
Title: The Completeness Of The Mystery
Publisher / Editor: William B. Hallman
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 10.2 MB
Pages: 1493.


The following notes were first compiled while I was pastor of the First Evangelical Free
Church at Minneapolis, Minn.
I was invited by Dr. Robert L. Moyer, then Dean of Northwestern Bible School, to teach
Biblical Hermeneutics at their evening school. At first, I hesitated because I had not had any full
course on the subject. But Dr. Moyer insisted that I should come. He said that he would have his
secretary come to his class, take down his complete lecture, and have it typed for me. I could
then use them as a basis for my notes and teaching. With this kind offer, I could not very well
refuse. So during the years 1932-33, I taught Biblical Hermeneutics at the school founded by Dr.
Wm. B. Riley.
I have always counted it as one of the greatest blessings in my early ministerial years, to
have known and worked with this excellent Bible student, expositor, and kind friend.
During the years my original notes have been revised and enlarged to their present form.
Besides Northwestern Bible School, I have also taught this subject at The Evangelical Free
Church Bible Institute at Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee Bible Institute at Milwaukee, Wisconsin;
and now most recently to my Thursday night Bible Class held at The Southwest YWCA at Hales
Corners, Wisconsin.
Besides Dr. Moyer, I am also indebted to such Bible scholars as Dr. Arthur T. Pierson,
Dr. Ethelbert W. Bullinger, and Dr. W. Graham Scroggie for helpful hints on this important
If you receive the same help in understanding the Sacred Scriptures from these notes as I
have, all the time and effort put forth in compiling them will have been well repaid.

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Michael L. Brown-Authentic Fire-

Michael L. Brown-Authentic Fire-

Author: Michael L. Brown
Title: Authentic Fire: A Response To John MacArthur's Strange Fire
Publisher / Editor: Excel Publishers
Format: EPUB
Size Of File: 472 KB
Pages: 686.


Dr. Michael Brown's Authentic Fire puts the brakes on John MacArthur's crusade against charismatics with irrefutable logic, extraordinary insight, Christ-like graciousness, and an undisputable handling of Scripture. This is the definitive book to give to anyone who asks, "Is MacArthur's denunciation of charismatic Christians fair and accurate?"  Frank Viola,
Dr. Brown speaks on behalf of millions who are not adequately trained to express in writing their own encounters with the supernatural power of God. With the skill of a surgeon, Dr. Brown takes the sword of the Spirit to the crippling cancer of cessationist doctrine that has, for so long, paralyzed the Body of Christ from walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit's anointing.   David Ravenhill, author, How to Survive the Anointing
Michael Brown demolishes the weak arguments outlined in John MacArthur's Strange Fire book and conference. He does so robustly but without resorting to divisive or schismatic language. Dr. Adrian Warnock, author, Raised with Christ: How the Resurrection Changes Everything

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Mary Ann Collins-The Spirit Of Roman Catholicism-

Mary Ann Collins-The Spirit Of Roman Catholicism-

Author: Mary Ann Collins
Title: The Spirit Of Roman Catholicism: What Lies Bethind The Modern Public Image?
Publisher / Editor: Mary Ann Collins
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 178 KB
Pages: 71.


In the early 1900's a famous baseball player was accused of cheating. Unfortunately, the
accusation proved to be true. A young fan met the baseball player and said, "Say it ain't
I have often felt that way while doing research about the Roman Catholic Church.
Sometimes it has caused me so much distress that it has adversely affected my health.
However, the truth is precious, even when it is painful. Our God is Truth incarnate. (John
14:6; Romans 3:4) And He promised that the truth would set us free. (John 8:32)
Please read the poems at the end of this book. They will help you see these issues from
the long-term perspective of God’s love and faithfulness.
May the Lord bless you, protect you, guard you, and guide you. And may He reveal
Himself to you in a new way.

Mary Ann Collins.

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Mary Ann Collins-Catholic Concerns-

Mary Ann Collins-Catholic Concerns-

Author: Mary Ann Collins
Title: Catholic Concerns: Where Does The Road To Rome Lead?
Publisher / Editor: Mary Ann Collins
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 468 KB
Pages: 184.


Official documents from the Second Vatican Council show that Rome wants to bring all Christians back into the Catholic Church. The goal of ecumenism is to reverse the Protestant Reformation. In today's ecumenical world, Evangelicals need to understand what Catholicism is and how easily it mixes with non-Christian religions. That's why Catholic Concerns was written. Evangelical pastors are promoting Catholic mysticism and contemplative prayer. But where does it lead? At the end of this road, we find Catholic monks who want to be good Buddhists, and Catholic priests who act like gurus, wear orange robes, call Hindu temples a "sacrament" and consider non-Christians to be their brothers and sisters in Christ. Catholic Concerns reveals what is hiding behind Rome's modern, ecumenical image. It presents complex subjects in a clear, straightforward manner that is easy to understand. It confronts troubling issues with compassion and objectivity. Come explore the world of Catholicism, where grace can be "merited" and Mary has a "saving office" (The Catholic Church teaches that Mary's intercession brings salvation).

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sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Martin & Deidre Bobgan-Stop Counseling! Start Ministering!-

Martin & Deidre Bobgan-Stop Counseling! Start Ministering!-

Authors: Martin & Deidre Bobgan
Title: Stop Counseling! Start Ministering!
Publisher / Editor: EastGate Publishers
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 1.14 MB
Pages: 325.


In Stop Counseling! Start Ministering! Martin and Deidre Bobgan tell why Christians should literally Stop Counseling! and Start Ministering! They choose the word counseling because it is generic enough to cover both psychological (psychotherapy) and biblical counseling where the problems discussed at length are those personal and interpersonal problems of living that are normally taken to one who is designated as a psychological or biblical counselor. The commonality for both psychological and biblical counseling is that both are sinfully problem-centered! In contrast, personal ministry is helping individuals in need overcome their fixation on their problems and become Christ-centered on a daily basis. This book provides ways of equipping those in need with the truths of Scripture and encouraging them to live the daily life that will be honoring to the Lord and beneficial for meeting problems of living without sinfully talking about them.

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Martin & Deidre Bobgan-Psychoheresy-

Martin & Deidre Bobgan-Psychoheresy-

Authors: Martin & Deidre Bobgan
Title: Psychoheresy: The Psychological Seduction Of Christianity
Publisher / Editor: EastGate Publishers
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 900 KB
Pages: 290.


This book exposes the fallacies and failures of psychological counseling theories and therapies for one purpose: to call Christians back to God's Word and the Holy Spirit's work in the believer; reveals the anti-Christian biases, internal contradictions, and documented failures of secular psychotherapy; examines various amalgamations with Christianity; and explodes myths that undergird these unholy unions.

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Mark Edward Sohmer-The Gospel Of Rome-

Mark Edward Sohmer-The Gospel Of Rome-

Author: Mark Edward Sohmer
Title: The Gospel Of Rome: Investigating The Claims Of The Roman Catholic Church
Publisher / Editor: Mark Edward Sohmer
Format: PDF
Size Of File: 623 KB
Pages: 137.


What Roman Catholics Are Supposed To Believe:
Not "Bashing," But "Testing":
Papal Proclamations, as well as Church Councils, are Infallible, and Equal to Scripture:
Roman Catholic Plan of Salvation
Baptismal Regeneration
Auricular Confession
Mortal vs. Venial Sins
The Pope
Elevation of Clergy
Dead Saints
Dulia vs. Latria
Holy Relics
The Bible
The Apocrypha
The One True Church
Church History Overview
Anti-Semitism Within Roman Catholicism
"Saved" Roman Catholic
Evangelical Compromise
The Foundation of Christian Unity
Concluding Thoughts
Appendix A: Doctrinal Overview
Appendix B: Resources for Further Study
About the Author

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